Campground Rates
Beste’s Sandy Pines Campground has 31 extra large campsites with firepits and large enough to add permanent decks. All campsites are available as seasonal rentals. The campground is open May 1st through September 30th (depending on the weather).
Seasonal campers may leave their campers stored (in place) onsite through the off season.
We have a playground for the children and a horseshoe pit for the adults.
Boat parking is limited but we haven’t had a problem yet. Boat trailers come second if need be.
We are installing high speed internet service for all renters.
Garbage service is provided and picked up every Monday from our dumpster. All garbage is to be placed in garbage bags(NO Loose Garbage) and (NO fish guts) are allowed.
Mowing of all campsites and public areas is provided. All trimming around campers and decks are the renters responsibility.
2024 Seasonal rent is $1575.00
All sites have water, sewer, and electrical. Your seasons electric bill and the next years non-refundable rent deposit are payable upon leaving for the year, or no later than September 30th. October 1st is the start of our new season.
If you are not coming back for the next season, you must let us know {in writing} by the end of the current season or you are liable for the next years rent in full.
The remaining rent, Less your paid $100.00 rent deposit is due no later than May 1st.